Christmas Wishlists 2024

Elks Aidmore

"Building programs is our business. Rebuilding lives is our passion."

Living Memorials

Planting a tree in honor or memory of a loved one began with the dedication of the first tree and marker in honor of Teresia Wilkinson. Since then, two trees have been planted in honor of Jim Gibbs and Abe Wilkinson. Four additional trees have been planted in memory of C.V. Alligood, Myron Holmes, Ann Pilgrim and Loretta Rhodes. For a donation of $300, a flowering tree is planted in a brick border with a granite marker. Currently, trees are planted alongside the Ed Hixon Walkway on the Elks Aidmore campus, with plans to expand around the pond.

Interested? Contact Elks Aidmore CEO Abe Wilkinson at 770-483-3535 or