Christmas Wishlists 2024

Elks Aidmore

"Building programs is our business. Rebuilding lives is our passion."

Elks Aidmore Endowment

Created in 1995, the Georgia Elks Aidmore Endowment was established to provide funds to operate and maintain Elks Aidmore Children’s Center, one of the finest child caring facilities in the southeastern United States. You can be a part of Elks Aidmore Children’s Center, the State Major Project of the Georgia Elks Association, by becoming a member of the endowment.

Upon joining, your name will join hundreds of others on a special recognition board located in the lobby of the Administration building on the Elks Aidmore campus. You can become a member of the Georgia Elks Aidmore Endowment in on of the following categories:

Regular Member: Any individual making a donation of $100, payable in full or ten annual installment of $10.

Honor Member Any individual making a donation of $1000, payable in full or ten annual installment of $100.

All individual donations are credited to the sponsoring Lodge or Auxilliary, however, a donor does not have to be a member of a Georgia Elks Lodge or Auxilliary to participate in this program. All contributions are deductible for federal income tax purposes, in the manner and to the extent provided by law.

If you wish to make a donation, you may fill out the donation form below. If you prefer, you can download the endowment form, print this form on your printer, fill it out, and send it to:

Elks Aidmore Children’s Center
2394 Morrison Road SW
Conyers, GA 30094
  • Donate Online – Endowment

    You can donate online using our Secure Payment Gateway

    • Regular Member: $100
    • Honor Member: $1,000

    Please choose whether you want to donate the total amount (IN-FULL) or in 10 annual installments (ANNUAL PAYMENTS).

    One-Time in Full

    Annual Payments

    Annual Total: